How Acupuncture Can Help Patients with Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a complicated disease. It's caused by a unique species of spirochete bacteria that are, in many ways, resistant to antibiotics. If Lyme disease is caught early, a round of antibiotics can get the symptoms under control, but patients may still experience flare-ups in years to come. There are a number of holistic, natural treatments that can help patients with Lyme disease. Acupuncture is one of them. Here are a few of the key ways in which it can help.

Acupuncture can ease muscle soreness during a flare-up.

During a flare-up of Lyme disease, patients often feel very stiff and sore throughout their bodies. An acupuncture treatment won't directly get rid of the bacteria and the toxins that are causing this soreness, but it can help. Acupuncture helps activate certain neural pathways and deactivate others. Treatment can help activate the pathways that bring more blood flow to the area, resulting in relief from stiffness and soreness. It can also help deactivate some of the pain-related nerve endings, easing the soreness. Patients with a Lyme flare-up may benefit from an acupuncture treatment every few days until their symptoms are brought back under control.

Acupuncture can help with mental stress.

Some patients with Lyme disease report experiencing brain fog, or a feeling that they can't think clearly. This can happen during a flare-up, but it can also happen between flare-ups. Some patients even struggle to speak clearly. Acupuncture can help with this. It calms the mind and tends to promote more relaxed thoughts. It may also increase blood flow and oxygenation of the brain, which in turn improves mental function. Not only can acupuncture help ease brain fog due to Lyme disease during the process, but it can also help keep your mental state from degrading as you go on living with Lyme.

Acupuncture can help strengthen your immune system.

The stronger your immune system, the better your body will be at fighting off the Lyme pathogens so you don't have a flare-up. Your body will also be able to get you out of flare-ups sooner. Acupuncture can activate neural pathways that improve the function of your immune system. As such, with regular acupuncture sessions, you may find that you don't have as many Lyme flare-ups or that they are not as severe.

Being diagnosed with Lyme disease can be life-changing. Thankfully, treatments like acupuncture can bring relief and help you reclaim your vitality. Reach out to a company such as Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs for more info. 
